Pop-Up Restaurant
OMG! Hirschen Schwarzenberg is coming!
Location:in the Ottmanngut garden
Pop-Up Restaurant
Location:in the Ottmanngut garden
We are very happy to be able to welcome our friends from the Hotel Hirschen in Schwarzenberg this year. The Hirschen team serves you an aperitivo in several courses. At the same time, the Ottmannguter team makes sure that the right thing ends up in the glass. It will be a feast.
To be able to fully enjoy the last days of summer in our garden, we start at 16.00. In the time between courses we invite you to stroll through the garden, have good conversations or dance to the music of DJ-Veloziped.
Reservations over info@ottmanngut.it.
Menu price per person: €79,00 incl. welcome drinks and water.