Lection with culinary accompaniment
Food&Talk with Christian Seiler
Location:Ottmannguter living room
Lection with culinary accompaniment
Location:Ottmannguter living room
Between the more than 200 recipes - from the Viennese national dish to the best Italian vegetables, from Denmarks Christmas speciality to Asian soup for a hangover breakfast - Christian Seiler writes a cultural story about food and drinks, plays with phenomena of world cuisines and gives critical instructions for use: From how to deal with guests on to how to find out which drink goes with the dish. Finally he describes the comfort that good food provides.
Christian Seiler, columnist, author and publisher, reads from and talks about the book "Alles wird gut".(Everything will be fine) The Ottmannguter team will make sure to probide the right culinary accompaniment - until everything becomes fine.
(The lection will be in German)